The media today is an entity that should be taken with a grain of salt. It’s no surprise that if you look at the media today, you see a group of people so interested in glory and ratings that they don’t give a damn about telling the story in an unbiased way, and in a way that is right. We’re not that different, but no one comes to us when they need a sound bite.. Actually, what we are is a group of people who see the way in which the media holds itself on a pedestal, and we’re forced to laugh at them. To lampoon them. To show them for what they are. We’re here to provide a fresh outlook on today’s world and in the process, get a chuckle or two from you. We’re Stay tuned.

Pylorns: Ring Leader, host, Self-Proclaimed God. Pylorns spends his days dealing with annoying customers in a tech support environment. On a day to day basis he updates the site with its content, watches over the forums, and plays host to several personal sites. When not planning to take over the blogosphere, pylorns enjoys a great many diversions like photographing their drunken wetwired trips, or flying in a small Cessna plane trying to moon people.
Fnliii: The man, the mystery, the enigma, the legend. Mostly Harmless. (Not much is known about him other than his posting is spotty and erratic. Fnliii will be more frequent on the site, or so he says. )
Beerslinger: Once a bar tender, now a student of school and life, provides colorful commentary on alcohol, politics, and apple cider.
Magik: Rare Poster, more commenter magik is sure to bring out some news of the wierd.
MJ: Known for his frequent rants and tales of drunken debauchery and bowel movements with cheese.